Frequently Asked Question

Frequently Asked Question2023-07-12T17:16:07+00:00
What is Financial Coaching?2023-07-12T16:06:05+00:00

Financial Coaching is a personalized, one-on-one service designed to educate and guide individuals towards achieving their unique financial goals. The role of a financial coach is to help clients understand the fundamentals of money management, such as budgeting and saving and to instill good financial habits that lead to financial security and independence.

Unlike financial advisors who often focus more on financial products and investments, financial coaches primarily focus on the client’s behavior, attitudes, and understanding of money. They provide clients with the tools and knowledge necessary to make informed financial decisions.

The process involves setting clear, attainable financial goals, creating a realistic action plan, and providing ongoing support to ensure the client stays on track. From managing debt and building an emergency fund to planning for retirement, a financial coach can assist with a variety of financial challenges.

By working with a financial coach, clients gain not only financial literacy but also the confidence to navigate their financial journey effectively. It’s essentially a partnership focused on creating sustainable change and transforming the client’s financial future.

Why should I trust Specialized Consumer Strategies (SCS) and how can I be sure this is the right program for me?2023-07-12T16:08:30+00:00

At Specialized Consumer Strategies (SCS), we prioritize our clients’ needs above all else. Our tailored approach means that we listen intently to your financial situation, help you establish a feasible budget, and advise on the most suitable options with your best interests in mind. We strive to ensure you maximize your savings and expedite your journey towards becoming debt-free.

We acknowledge that financial struggles are often complex and multi-dimensional – hence, solutions like consolidation, settlement, or bankruptcy might not always be the most suitable. Our role is to introduce you to a range of alternatives and provide the guidance you need to make informed decisions, ultimately putting more money in your pocket.

Our commitment to exceptional customer service is reflected in our numerous positive reviews and success stories. We have helped countless individuals overcome diverse financial hardships such as divorce, medical expenses, job loss, and struggles with keeping up with inflation.

Remember, each client’s situation is unique, and at SCS, we celebrate this uniqueness by providing personalized financial solutions. Let us be your trusted partner in your journey to financial freedom.

Is it possible for me to negotiate with my creditors myself?2023-07-12T16:10:22+00:00

While it’s understandable to consider handling your finances independently, navigating the complexities of debt negotiation can be more challenging than anticipated. Each creditor has distinct policies and options, and without a comprehensive understanding of these, you might unknowingly miss out on the best resolution strategies, which could cost you significant savings.

At Specialized Consumer Strategies (SCS), we leverage years of expertise to understand the intricacies of various creditors’ policies. We recognize that every individual’s financial situation is unique, and we are dedicated to tailoring debt solutions that best align with your circumstances.

The impact of your financial situation extends beyond the present—it’s a critical determinant of your future lifestyle. That’s why at SCS, we work diligently to ensure that you can confidently trust us with managing every detail of your debt negotiation. We strive to break down any barriers standing in the way of your financial freedom.

Our trained professionals are adept at communicating effectively with each creditor. They understand the exact terms to negotiate, in order to secure resolutions that not only meet your needs but also maximize your savings. Our dedication to your financial health means we don’t rest until we’ve secured the best possible deal for you. So, instead of risking a DIY approach, let us take control and guide you back to financial stability.

What are the costs associated with SCS’s services?2023-07-12T16:54:06+00:00

At Specialized Consumer Strategies (SCS), we believe in providing value before receiving compensation. Thus, our fee structure is result-oriented. Our charges only apply once we’ve accomplished the outcomes you desire and you’re satisfied with the savings we’ve helped you secure.

While our service fees do vary, they are largely influenced by the amount of debt we’re assisting you with. As each client’s financial situation is unique, so are the strategies we employ. Our role is to sift through various programs and options to identify the one best suited to your financial needs.

For instance, consider our client “Michelle,” who came to us with $79,000 in debt spread across six credit card accounts and personal loans. She was previously making monthly payments exceeding $1,275. We successfully negotiated her interests, reducing four accounts to 0%, one to 0.99%, and one to 6.9%. Now, she is on track to clear her debts in 60 months, saving $53,150.41 based on minimum payments of $722. With our tailored pay-down plan, she’s set to save even more.

Will enrolling in the program affect my credit report?2023-07-12T16:12:44+00:00

Your credit report may be impacted depending on the specifics of your situation and the plan chosen. While some plans may cause minimal impact due to the account closure, our goal is to educate you on minimizing any potential negative influence. Please note that while we guide you on the financial steps to take, we do not directly offer credit repair as it is a separately regulated service. However, we can provide free advice on how credit impacts and how to navigate it.

Is this a one-time service?2023-07-12T16:14:00+00:00

Specialized Consumer Strategies (SCS) is not strictly a one-time service. Our goal is to provide comprehensive, long-term solutions to your financial challenges. While we aim to resolve your immediate debt concerns, our services are designed to educate you on effective financial management strategies for the future. We want to ensure that you have the knowledge and tools to maintain financial health even after our work together concludes. Thus, our support is not limited to a single interaction but extends to continuous assistance throughout your journey towards financial freedom.

What if I need help with something else apart from the services provided?2023-07-12T16:14:49+00:00

At Specialized Consumer Strategies (SCS), we pride ourselves on our customer-focused approach. While our main services revolve around debt negotiation and financial coaching, we understand that each individual may have unique financial challenges or queries. Should you need assistance with something that falls outside of our primary services, we encourage you to reach out to us. Our team is committed to understanding your situation, providing advice, and if necessary, referring you to a trusted professional within our network who can better address your needs. Your financial well-being is our priority, and we are here to support you in every way we can.


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