At Specialized Consumer Strategies (SCS), we believe in providing value before receiving compensation. Thus, our fee structure is result-oriented. Our charges only apply once we’ve accomplished the outcomes you desire and you’re satisfied with the savings we’ve helped you secure.

While our service fees do vary, they are largely influenced by the amount of debt we’re assisting you with. As each client’s financial situation is unique, so are the strategies we employ. Our role is to sift through various programs and options to identify the one best suited to your financial needs.

For instance, consider our client “Michelle,” who came to us with $79,000 in debt spread across six credit card accounts and personal loans. She was previously making monthly payments exceeding $1,275. We successfully negotiated her interests, reducing four accounts to 0%, one to 0.99%, and one to 6.9%. Now, she is on track to clear her debts in 60 months, saving $53,150.41 based on minimum payments of $722. With our tailored pay-down plan, she’s set to save even more.